
Upcoming Samara events, 研讨会, & 说话 engagements

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Filtering by: “网络研讨会”

Nature-Based Emergent Curriculum: The Power of Place for Planning (网络研讨会)

Nature-Based Emergent Curriculum: The Power of Place for Planning (网络研讨会)

本次网络研讨会将首先探讨基于自然的方法的基本原则. 然后,博士. 瑞秋Larimore将探讨我们如何在日常教学实践中实践这些原则——特别是如果我们的目标是一个基于游戏和儿童兴趣的新兴课程. By focusing on the seasonal events that occur in our local place in the world, 我们可以有意识地将自然融入教学实践中——不管我们现在的情况如何.

Nature-Based Learning: Inspiring & Supporting Staff to Help Children Learn 与 Nature

Nature-Based Learning: Inspiring & Supporting Staff to Help Children Learn 与 Nature

这个网络研讨会, designed to support program leaders and administrators, 将简要地分享基于自然的方法的核心原则和领导变革的路线图. With that common language established, 瑞秋将专注于帮助你的团队转变为基于自然的方法的步骤,并在此过程中保持他们的快乐和灵感.



关于使用基于自然的教育评级量表(NABERS)的网络研讨会系列的第三部分. NABERS is a tool crafted specifically for early education practitioners, 研究人员, and policymakers to help them effortlessly gather standardized information, assessing education settings in crucial areas such as: program goals, curriculum practices, 人员配备, 环境, community partnerships, and family engagement.

*本网络研讨会系列所有三期的录音均可供Grove会员使用. 点击这里 to join 今天!



关于使用基于自然的教育评级量表系统(NABERS)的网络研讨会系列第三部分中的第2部分. NABERS is a tool crafted specifically for early education practitioners, 研究人员, and policymakers to help them effortlessly gather standardized information, assessing education settings in crucial areas such as: program goals, curriculum practices, 人员配备, 环境, community partnerships, and family engagement.

*本网络研讨会系列所有三期的录音均可供Grove会员使用. 点击这里 to join 今天!

Non-Profit or For-Profit? Finding the Best Path for Your Program (A Natural Start Alliance 网络研讨会)

Non-Profit or For-Profit? Finding the Best Path for Your Program (A Natural Start Alliance 网络研讨会)

Join nature-based education consultants David Catlin and Samara’s founder Dr. 雷切尔·拉瑞莫尔来回答这个问题以及其他关于每种不同途径的利弊的问题. Rachel and David have developed a new resource to help programs consider their options, and they'll provide an overview, and take your questions during this 网络研讨会.



关于使用基于自然的教育评级量表系统(NABERS)的网络研讨会系列第三部分中的第2部分. NABERS is a tool crafted specifically for early education practitioners, 研究人员, and policymakers to help them effortlessly gather standardized information, assessing education settings in crucial areas such as: program goals, curriculum practices, 人员配备, 环境, community partnerships, and family engagement.

*本网络研讨会系列所有三期的录音均可供Grove会员使用. 点击这里 to join 今天!

Measuring the Quality of Nature-based Classrooms Using the NABERS Tool

Measuring the Quality of Nature-based Classrooms Using the NABERS Tool

这个免费的网络研讨会将探讨基于自然的教育评级量表(NABERS)工具. 开发NABERS是为了帮助那些将自然添加到课程中的PreK和K-3课程确定“自然”的质量和水平. 本次网络研讨会将首先确定基于自然的幼儿教育(NbECE)的核心原则,然后讨论质量的具体衡量标准. 与会者将在会议结束时能够识别程序结构中基于自然的实践, 人员配备, physical 环境, community partnerships, and family engagement.

Essential Elements of Leading a Nature-based Early Childhood Program

Essential Elements of Leading a Nature-based Early Childhood Program

  • Early Childhood Investigations 网络研讨会s (地图)
  • 谷歌日历 ICS

瑞秋Larimore, Samara Early Learning’s 主要有远见的, will be presenting a free 网络研讨会 hosted by Early Childhood Investigations 网络研讨会s and sponsored by Samara Early Learning (that’s us!).

这是 网络研讨会 描述:

这终于发生了:世界各地的早期教育项目的领导者对基于自然的项目的好处变得更加热情和开明. 许多项目开始全身心地投入其中,但发现改变组织文化和个别教师的做法是非常具有挑战性的. After all, we’re leading humans! 其中一些挑战是对户外活动的个人反应,而不是享受寒冷, preferring not to be dirty, 等. 另外, there can be administrative challenges related to policies, 程序, 资金, 和许可. 在支持教师有意识地将自然融入日常结构方面,也存在教学领导方面的挑战, physical 环境, and teacher-led activities. Join experienced early childhood nature-based program leader and author, 瑞秋Larimore to learn to address these various challenges.

这个网络研讨会, designed to support program leaders and administrators, will share the core principles and benefits of a nature-based approach. With that common language as a starting point, Rachel将介绍基本的管理和教学实践,以成功地将您的团队转变为基于自然的方法. 最重要的是, Rachel will address an often-overlooked element of leading change—the human element, including how to best support staff and families in your evolving infusion of nature.

Though the 网络研讨会 is free, 登记 是必需的. 注册 今天!

5 Easy Steps for Facilitating More Nature-Based Learning in Your Classroom

5 Easy Steps for Facilitating More Nature-Based Learning in Your Classroom

Presented by 瑞秋Larimore, Ph.D., 主要有远见的, Samara Early Learning Moderated by Raven Griffin, 营销经理, Kaplan Early Learning Company

这个免费的 ed网络研讨会 will first explore the fundamental principles of the nature-based approach. 然后,博士. 瑞秋Larimore will provide five simple steps, aligned 与 these principles, 有意识地将这种方法融入到教学实践中——不管你目前的情况如何. 与会者将带着可以在第二天实施的具体想法离开会议,以及一些可以在未来努力的想法.

这ed网络研讨会, sponsored by Kaplan Early Learning Company, will be of interest to PreK-3 teachers and school and district leaders, as well as early childhood 研究人员 and scholars. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.

点击这里 for more information or to register.

How to Lead a Nature-based Program Without Losing Your Purpose

How to Lead a Nature-based Program Without Losing Your Purpose

  • Early Childhood Investigations 网络研讨会s (地图)
  • 谷歌日历 ICS

瑞秋Larimore, Samara Early Learning’s 主要有远见的, will be presenting a free 网络研讨会 hosted by Early Childhood Investigations 网络研讨会s and sponsored by Samara Early Learning (that’s us!).

这是 网络研讨会 描述:

Nature-based learning is growing in popularity, particularly in the time of COVID. 是的, 将自然融入学前课程对孩子和老师都有很多好处. 然而,许多领导者发现自己在支持向基于自然的学习转变方面面临挑战. 这些挑战有时与政策、资金和许可有关. 在支持教师和家庭通过文化转变更充分地接受以自然为基础的方法方面,也存在教学领导方面的挑战. Sometimes, for example, teachers don’t like the idea of being outside in the cold. Sometimes children don’t arrive 与 appropriate clothing. 有时父母不明白为什么孩子们“只是在树林里玩”.”

这个网络研讨会 能否帮助幼儿管理人员确定以自然为基础的方法的基本原则以及这种方法的好处. Using this overarching framework, Rachel将介绍基本的管理和教学实践,以成功地将您的团队转变为基于自然的方法. In this session we’ll discuss how to:

  • Write policies which align 与 licensing regulations and a nature-based approach

  • Support teachers to shift their practice to include more nature

  • Support families when integrating more nature-based activities into the curriculum

  • Secure resources for safe and effective nature-based learning

Though the 网络研讨会 is free, 登记 是必需的. 注册 今天!
